What format is the music on the site?
For previews and streaming we use 128kbps MP3 files. All downloads and purchased music are full-quality 16bit AIFF files.
Do you offer music in FLAC format?
While we love FLAC, many audio software platforms and pro dj devices do not support it yet so no, we do not offer music in FLAC format. We do offer full-quality AIFF files for all purchases/downloads which you can easily convert to FLAC in your favorite audio converter.
Why should I purchase music from the Vizual Store instead of Beatport/Traxsource/Juno/Amazon/etc?
Purchasing your music directly from the Vizual Store ensures that more of the purchase price goes directly to the artists so that they can continue to make the music you love. Other outlets take a cut from the purchase price, as does our distributor on top of that. Still, we sell and stream our music on all major outlets. Visit the Get Vizual Music page to see all of the outlets and streaming services that carry Vizual Records.
Is my credit card and personal information safe?
Our site is fully secure with https and we use Stripe for all of our transactions which has the highest PCI security certification level available. No credit card data is stored on our system at all and everything is encrypted all the way through the payment chain to ensure our customers’ security and privacy when making a purchase. What’s more, all personal data like names and emails needed for payment is purged from our system after 90 days.
Can I register for an account on the Vizual Store?
In short, no. We used to offer accounts so that buyers could log in and re-download purchases but with privacy concerns we made the decision to eliminate accounts so that we are not keeping any personal information of our customers except for what is absolutely needed to complete transactions. As our purchase flow has been completely streamlined, downloads are now available immediately after purchase as well as in your receipt email so there is no need for an account.
Where can I send Vizual some tracks to consider for release?
We are always looking for hot music. If you think you have something that’s worthy, send us a message with a link on the Contact page and tell us a little bit about yourself and the tracks. Make it interesting.